What is the
is an original and unique movement practice offering similar benefits derived from Yoga, Tai Chi, and dance. Gyrotonic exercise sequences are composed of spiraling, circular movements flowing together seamlessly in rhythmic repetitions with corresponding breath. In Gyrotonic exercises, each movement flows into the next, allowing the joints to move through a natural range of motion without jarring or compression. This circular approach to movement bridges the gap between contraction and extension where most injuries occur and brings balance to the musculoskeletal structure by utilizing the natural patterns and shapes in the human body, which are comprised of circles and spirals. These carefully crafted sequences create balance, efficiency, strength and flexibility.
was conceived by Juliu Horvath, a Hungarian-born professional ballet dancer, and is used worldwide by dancers, athletes and people from all walks of life, age and health condition. At the foundation of Gyrotonic is profound sense of stability and strength in the low back created partially by its focus on abdominal and core strength. For most athletes the result is decreased incidence of sports related injury and low-back pain.

Whether you are an accomplished athlete looking to supplement your current training or someone who hasn’t exercised in years, Gyrotonic exercise will result in increased strength, flexibility and coordination. 


What is the
is a movement method that gently works the entire body, opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion, and creating functional strength through rhythmic, flowing movement sequences. It is an original, and unique movement practice which has roots in Yoga, Tai Chi, gymnastics, and dance. The Gyrokinesis method is practiced in group or private classes under the instruction of a certified Gyrokinesis Trainer, and can also be practiced at home with a mat, chair, and instructional Gyrokinesis dvds.

Gyrokinesis classes are 60-90 minutes long. Each class begins on a chair with a gentle warm up sequence to awaken the senses, and stimulate the nervous system. This is followed by a series of fluid spinal motions which increase range of motion, and prepare the body to explore more complex movements with agility, and ease. Class continues on the floor with exercises that expand on the spinal motions, gradually adding more complex sequences, incorporating more movements of the hips, shoulders, hands and feet. The floor exercises are followed by a rhythmic standing sequence that incorporates balance, and cardiovascular exercises; then ends with a calming, unwinding sequence designed to prepare the body and mind to reintegrate with the everyday world.



The Benefits of the Method

  • Healthier, supple spine

  • Increased range of motion

  • Greater joint stability

  • Improved agility

  • Improve breathwork by coordinating with movement

  • Improved balance and coordination

  • Non-linear, three dimensional movement is more functional

  • Regenerates and rehabilitates the body

  • Gain a deep, internal strength